We are the peacemakers!

Start & End Date: August 2018 to July 2019
Place: Erfurt (Germany)
Participating Countries: Germany, Russia and Ukraine
Project Partners: Academy of Innovation (Russia) and Kharkiv Regional Youth Non-Governmental Organisation “Enlightening Initiative” (Ukraine), Universität Erfurt & Willy Brandt School of Public Policy (Germany)
Number of Participants: 24 participants
Grant Giver: Erasmus+, Thüringer Ministerium für Bildung, Jugend und Sport
Funding Program: Key Action 1 – Learning Mobility of Individuals
Grant Amount: 27,272 EUR
The “We Are the Peacemakers!” project is designed to create a network of young peace activists who will promote non violent communication as the tool for community reconciliation on the local level. The project will encourage a dialogue and create a platform for sharing thoughts, new ideas and concepts for a better shared future. During the project the participants will gain new skills, learn with and from each other and grow together to become more tolerant and respectful.
Youth Exchange held from the 12th to the 18th of November of 2018, in Erfurt, Germany.
The first youth encounter was aimed at increasing young people’s understanding of the concepts of peace, conflict and non violent approach. Young leaders will be more aware of the practice of the innovative conflict transformation, effective non violent communication and conflict management tools. After the return home the youth will use their developed competences in peace building and apply the knowledge at local level, organising the “Workshop on Non Violent Communication”.
Number of participants: 24, 8 from each country.
Profile of participants: Young people aged 18-27, interested in community reconciliation through non-violent approach.
Youth Exchange held in the Summer of 2019, in Kharkiv, Ukraine.
In the second encounter, the participants were concentrated on applying the gained knowledge in Germany for the real field experience in Ukraine.
The final outcome of the project “Let’s Talk Peace” Event and the presentation of the conducted research on peace monitoring was the highlight of the learning outcomes for the participants. The panel discussion held afterwards created immense dissemination effect and great impact on the local community in Ukraine.
Number of participants: 24, 8 from each country.
Profile of participants: Young people aged 18-27, interested in community reconciliation through non-violent approach.
We anticipated that the project would encourage dialogue and create a platform for sharing thoughts, new ideas, and concepts. Throughout the project, the participants gained new skills, learned with and from each other, and grew together to become more tolerant and respectful. They utilized the acquired skills to prevent conflicts and promote reconciliation.

Blog Posts
We are the Peacemakers! International Youth Exchange Report
Although we are living in the time of the longest peace in Europe, the conflicts keep appearing, sometimes in the places no one expects them …