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Zafar Saydaliev
Zafar is the Managing Director of CGE Erfurt e.V. He is experienced in programme/project management, project development and evaluation, overseas experience and an advanced academic …
Marina Bykova
Marina is a graduate of the School of International Economic Relations and Tourism Business, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Her scientific field of interest lies within convergence of knowledge, …
Moritz Borchardt
Moritz is a project coordinator at CGE, an inter-disciplinarily trained social scientist, NGO-administrator and writer. Having studied in Jena, Vilnius and at the Willy Brandt …
Grigoriy Grigoryev
Grigoriy has been involved with CGE since May 2016 in different capacities – from participating to organizing workshops and assisting with organizational tasks. Currently, he …
Code@Youth Kicks off
Successful Kick off Meeting of Code@Youth was held in Germany.
Stadt im Dialog / City in Dialogue
Active Russian youth visit Germany to get to know the best practices on how to establish an active dialogue between cities and their citizens.