Yesterday, in a cozy and welcoming atmosphere, a group composed of about 12 people, gathered for a special meeting of the poetry club. The event took place in Salinestrasse 34, a perfect setting for sharing reflections and emotions through poetry. The central theme of the evening was war and love and their relationship, a topic that sparked deep discussions and reflections.

The choice of the theme “War and Love” was intentional and deeply meaningful. At first glance, war and love may seem like polar opposites—one associated with destruction and suffering, the other with connection and hope. However, in human experience, these two forces are often profoundly interconnected. Love can be a catalyst for both the desire for peace and the pain of separation caused by conflict. War, on the other hand, can shape and redefine the very essence of love—whether through the sacrifice of loved ones, the endurance of relationships in times of hardship, or the loss of connection in the aftermath of violence. This complex and often painful relationship between love and war made it a fitting topic for a poetry gathering, where the ability to articulate deep, multifaceted emotions is essential. Poetry provides a unique space to address such a delicate theme, offering the flexibility to explore personal trauma, resilience, hope, and the emotional complexities that both war and love evoke. The poetic form allows for a fluid, evocative expression of these emotions, capturing the nuances of human experiences in a way that prose might not.Throughout the evening, the participants engaged in thought-provoking discussions that transcended the surface-level notions of war and love, pushing them to consider the deeper cultural, social, and personal dimensions of these concepts. One of the most significant takeaways from the event was the heightened sense of intercultural understanding. Attendees began to reflect on how different cultures experience war, love, and their intersections, leading to a broader empathy and appreciation for the diverse ways people cope with conflict across the globe.

Each participant brought a poem from their home country, shedding light on the themes of conflict and its human impact. The intimate gathering allowed each person to share a piece of their culture, offering a unique perspective on the struggles and resilience that conflict often evokes. Through the words of poets from different backgrounds, we delved into the emotional complexities of war, loss, and hope. The diversity of the pieces highlighted how, despite the geographical distance, the human experience of conflict unites us all. The evening not only deepened our understanding of the universal nature of war’s consequences but also celebrated the power of poetry as a medium to express pain, resilience, and the longing for peace.

By the end of the evening, participants had gained a profound understanding of the importance of addressing the complexities of both love and war in a more nuanced way—recognizing the emotional depth that these two forces hold and their inseparable impact on human lives. This event was conducted within the framework of the PENDIW project, supported by EU4YOUTH2ACT, and also contributed to the broader goals of the “The Missing Peace” initiative. The evening not only served as a meaningful opportunity for cultural exchange and reflection but also emphasized the importance of engaging with difficult, complex issues like war and love, fostering spaces for dialogue, empathy, and personal growth.