Art, Music & Well-being for All // Art in Action (Multiplier Event)

As part of the “Art in Action” multiplier event, on December 14th, 2024 we hosted in our space in Saline34 an immersive and interactive session where participants came together to explore various art-based methods for community reconciliation.

We began the session by presenting the “Art in Action” project and the staff mobility, which took place in July 2024 and made possible for 12 educators to visit art space ARTE.M in Madeira, Portugal.

At the event, Vladislav Artiukhov, Mariana Matoso and Maryna Bykova talked about the gained experience during the training and presented the cards, which were developed to support adult educators with art-based methods.

Experiencing Art-Based Methods Firsthand

After the presentation, participants were invited to engage in hands-on creative exploration, choosing between Body Mapping and Mandala Creation — two methods introduced during the training in Madeira.

For both activities guests were invited to contribute to the music playlist. Each participant selected a song they loved—something meaningful, energizing, nostalgic, or simply enjoyable—and shared it with the group. The playlist became a diverse mix of genres, languages, and rhythms, reflecting the variety of personal tastes and backgrounds within the group.

🌀 Mandala Creation

Participants sat in small groups, selecting colors and shapes that reflected their emotions and thoughts. Guided by mindfulness prompts, they allowed their mandalas to take form intuitively. Some chose structured, geometric designs that symbolised order and stability, while others created free-flowing patterns representing personal journeys and emotions. The process was deeply reflective, fostering moments of self-awareness and inner calm.

Photo: Linda Sanchez

🎭 Body Mapping

In another part of the space, participants traced body outlines onto large sheets of paper and filled them with colors, textures, and symbols representing their identity, emotions, and aspirations. This exercise invited introspection, as individuals visualised how they perceive themselves and how they wish to express their stories within a community context. Conversations naturally emerged around personal growth, resilience, and shared experiences.

Closing with Reflection and Connection

As the creative exercises concluded, the participants gathered in a closing circle, sharing food and reflections on their experiences. Each person had the opportunity to speak about what the creative process revealed to them — from deeper self-awareness to new perspectives on community engagement. Some expressed a sense of clarity and emotional release, while others spoke about how art helped them connect with their peers in a more meaningful way.

The event not only provided a safe and welcoming space for creative expression but also reinforced the power of art in building bridges between individuals and fostering dialogue. As the evening drew to a close, the shared warmth, conversations, and creativity left us all inspired to continue integrating art-based reconciliation practices into our communities.

Photo: Linda Sanchez

The event was part of the “Art in Action” (Pr.Nr.: 2023-1-DE02-KA122-ADU-000145566) project follow-up , which is co-funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ Program.

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