New Pathways – Identifying and Promoting Best-Practice in Supporting Long-Term Unemployed Adults into Education Pathways
Erasmus+: Key Action 2 – Small-scale partnerships in adult education
Project number: 2021-2-DE02-KA210-ADU-000050168
Duration: 18 months. Start: 01.03.2022 End: 01.09.2023
Project summary:
The New Pathways project connects five diverse organisations (IWM GmbH, CGE Erfurt, Eurobug, CitizensAct, Youthtopia), from four European countries, in an 18-month program of exchange, job-shadowing, study visits, and collaboration; all aimed towards identifying and promoting best-practice in supporting long-term unemployed adults into education pathways.
Our consortium contains service providers, project management experts, informal associations of educators, and migrant-led research organisations. This gives our consortium many angles to approach the project from, and gives our project structure of exchange and collaboration potential to spark innovations and future partnerships.
After three series of job-shadowing activities, the project will then compile the collective learning and case studies into a resource that is available both online and in publication, and the final stages of our project will look forward to where we can integrate our learning into ongoing services and future cooperation.

Job Shadowing – Ireland – Hosted by Eurobug International Youth Work Ltd.
This study visit took place over one week in Dublin, Ireland, and focused on the use of arts and sports as an outreach tool to groups with fewer opportunities. Below is a photo of some of our consortium meeting the Africa Center Ireland, at O’Connels’ Str. Dublin.

In total, 11 staff members from our consortium took part in this mobility, ranging from pedagogues, to researchers, to administration staff. Here are their profiles:
Telma Roque – CGE Erfurt e.V.
Maria Garoufali (Youthtopia):
Georgina Kypriotaki (Youthtopia):
Andreea Kristea – CGE Erufrt e.V.
Asolathkon Usmanova – IWM GmbH
Marcel Mey – IWM GmbH
Amina Moustafa – Eurobug Ireland
Robert Nesirky – CGE Erfurt e.V.
Florian Frommeld: CEO of IWM GmbH
Kelvin Akpaloo – Eurobug Ireland

Study Visits:
Eurobug used its connections to migrant and intercultural organisations in Dublin to organise visits to diverse NGOs. The organizations visited in Dublin address various community needs. From the African diaspora’s integration and representation to the power of sports in breaking barriers of discrimination, the emphasis is on inclusion, empowerment, and community development. In total, 11 NGOs were visited, here are some highlights:
1. Africa Centre Ireland (ACI): Africa Centre Ireland is a non-profit founded in 2000 to support the African diaspora in Ireland. They focus on community development, empowerment, and social inclusion. Key programs include women’s groups, youth programs, and advocacy. They also help with housing, education, legal assistance, and mental health. Major challenges are funding, recognition, and lack of opportunities. Despite these challenges, they remain crucial in assisting the African community in Ireland.
2. Sport Against Racism Ireland (SARI): Founded in 1997, SARI utilizes sports to promote social inclusion and combat discrimination. Their projects like “Hijabs & Hat-tricks” specifically aid Muslim women to feel included in sports. They offer free training, and their programs encourage participants to become trainers. The Gaisce –The President’s Award is another remarkable initiative for young people. Challenges include space constraints and lack of paid staff.
3. Seetec: Starting in 2015, Seetec now engages with over 29,000 people in Ireland. Their primary focus is to empower individuals for lasting change. The “JobPath” programme, in particular, offers personal advisors, training, job brokering, job application help, and in-employment support. They have strong relationships with employers and focus on individual strengths.