CGE Erfurt e.V. is currently looking for an evaluator to assess our project ‘’Brave New You – Reloaded’’.
The Brave New You – RELOADED Project (project No. 614787-EPP-1-2019-1-BE-EPPKA3-EU-YTH-TOG) is co-funded by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency through the Erasmus+ programme, under the call for proposals EACEA 2019 “European Youth Together” (KA3 – Support for Policy Reform).
Participating Countries: Belgium, Slovakia, Sweden, Greece, North Macedonia, Slovenia, Estonia, Italy, Portugal, Germany.
Organization Name: CGE Erfurt e.V.
Start of assignment: 7th November 2020
End of assignment: 31th December 2021
Submission deadline: 30th October 2020
The evaluator will start working before the deadline of the interim report but some data will be available throughout the project until December 2021
Payment for the interim evaluation Report: 4.000 EUR for the first part of the interim report (process covered until end of 2020).
An Interim Evaluation report should be delivered no later than 30th December 2020
Payment for the final evaluation Report: 6.000 EUR (process covered until end of 2021).
A Final Evaluation report should be delivered no later than 30th December 2021
Total Budget: 10.000 EUR including any applicable VAT or taxes (contractual amount depends on the consultant’s tax status and residency).
All applicants will be informed about the results of the selection by 6th November 2020.
Any inquires please send your question to:
For more information, please, check the attached PDF file.