On 24th until 26th February 2020, our CGE team Dr. Ammalia Podlaszewska and Moritz Borchardt attended a kick-off meeting Key Action 3 project Erasmus+ ‘’Brave New YOU- Reloaded’’ in Brussels Belgium. This project consists of 11 partner consortiums and is going to be implemented until 31th December 2021.
The two days meeting were cherished not only as the introductory meeting of the project, but also as a partnership get-together and team building opportunity.
Brave New YOU is aiming at developing capacities of disadvantaged young people as leaders on local and the EU level towards a more open-minded and tolerant Europe in which young people, no matter of their background and position in society, freely and proudly exercise their rights to actively and equally participate in their communities.
The first day of the meeting was intended to establish common understanding of the project, both from the managerial and administrative aspects of the project as well as from the concept and objectives of the project. Coordinated by our lead partner, YEU Brussels, the partner consortium discussed each of the work packages and action plan for the next two years.

In the project “Brave New YOU- reloaded” we want to focus on:
- Creating new approaches and tools by getting to know the Others (less visible and communities of other origins, cultures, practices that the majority one)
- Developing capacities of disadvantaged young people and practitioners
- Showcasing the power of quality youth work
- Promoting intercultural and gender perspective in youth work as a crosscutting/transversal issue
- Supporting disadvantaged young people to engage, connect and empower each other to actively participate in socio-political life in their societies on local and European level
- Developing stories and narratives of Europe with young people from disadvantaged areas
- Sharing positive and inclusive stories on European level, through organising a campaign on how do we imagine an inclusive Europe, by sharing the voices, narratives and stories of the disadvantaged young people.
On the last evening of the meeting, the project partners did a creative and delicious team building of three course meals workshops and dinner together at http://swingncook.be/ , where we learnt to cook Ravioli from the scratch, displaying antipasto on our plates, dancing to jazz while chatting and exchanging warmhearted jokes.