The second Transnational Partner Meeting of the D(at)YW project took place in Lancaster, UK at the campus of Lancaster & Morecambe College from the 14th till 15th of October, 2019.
Progress on IO1
The partner consortium met for the second time to report about their results and key findings of the surveys on digital competences for young people, youth workers and employers. They also discussed the status of National Reports in each partner country.

Plattform e.V. and CGE Erfurt e.V. shared the experience of organising focus groups in Berlin, in which 10 young people and 2 facilitators were involved. The focus groups helped to narrow the outcomes of the surveys in Germany and identify which topics youngsters believe are more essential for the future careers. As the result, “DevOps” and “3D design and printing” were picked as the themes for the module development in Germany.
Dlearn and Open Europe also conducted their focus groups, while Emphasys Center and Lancaster & Morecambe College (LMC) are yet to organise one.
Since the surveys were finished and some of National Reports submitted, the partner consortium was able to start the discussion about the Competence Framework for the upcoming teaching modules.
Below is the agreed version of all partners:
MODULE 1: Graphic and Media Design (LMC)
MODULE 2: Web Design (Dlearn)
MODULE 3: Social Media Marketing (Open Europe)
MODULE 4: 3D Design and Printing (CGE Erfurt e.V.)
MODULE 5: Programming (Emphasys)
MODULE 6: DevOps (Plattform e.V.)
Each module would incorporate the teaching materials (a.k.a EDUCATIONAL BACKPACK – IO2) in the amount of 20 hours and include an Open Badge with three level complexity.

Beginning IO2
LMC – who is the Lead Partner of IO2 – is responsible to provide a template for the consortium that will determine the teaching and learning material, while Emphasys Center – also the Supporting Partner – has promised to prepare the TOOL BANK template.
Dissemination activities
Promotion of the project was something Dlearn and CGE Erfurt e.V. were concerned about. Francesca Pissarello, who wrote the Dissemination Strategy, was reminding the partners about the proposal’s aims in the amount and platforms of publications. Another issue was the petition, which Zafar Saydaliev (CGE) suggested to try as a digital online version.

Next steps
The third transnational partner meeting will take place in Reus, Spain and as proposed by Open Europe and agreed by the D(at)YW consortium, will happen between 23rd and 24th of March, 2020.
In the meantime, Skype conference and chats in Slack will be the main tools of communication.
As for the C1 Staff Training, which is designed to gather all youth workers/trainers who will teach the modules, the provisionally dates were selected to be between 6th and 10th of July 2020 in Nicosia, Cyprus. Emphasys Center will host the C1 Staff Training.
According to the quality committee, the meeting was rated as productive, clarified some pressing issues and gave a push for the partners to continue work.
The consortium also would like to thank Lancaster & Morecambe College for opening its doors and providing the space for the meeting.