Connected Learning: Second Partner Meeting in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

From October 3rd till October 4th, CGE team members Ammalia Podlaszewska and Zafar Saydaliev have visited a partner organisation @Еuni Partners Association, which hosted the second transnational meeting of the project “Promoting Quality Digital Youth Work through the Creation and Mapping of Connected Learning Pathways in Europe: an innovative way to reach marginalized young people”.

#InCaseYouMissed: Connected Learning aims to create an on-line tool in the form of an interactive and dynamic portal backed up by a mobile app which will map out learning opportunities provided in formal, non-formal and informal learning for young people.

On the second meeting several topics were discussed, among which are the ways to secure and validate training opportunities (open badges for validation of the learning?), digital training packages accompanying the training methodology, some IOs such as “Toolkit on creating Digital Learning Routes and synergies” (at national and European level).

The project consortium remains the same:
University of Ulster, Belfast, Northern Ireland 
Association “Euni Partners”, Bulgaria 
Emphasys Centre, Cyprus 
ВУДУТЕК ООД, Bulgaria 
Hälsinglands Utbildningsförbund, Sweden 
European Digital Learning Network, Italy 
– and us, CGE Culture Goes Europe – Soziokulturelle Initiative Erfurt e.V., Germany.

The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, Key Action 2 – Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices.

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