As part of an international project DC4JOBS (Digital Competences for Jobs), we organised a one-day Conference: “Digital Youth Work 3.0. Competences for the Labor market of Tomorrow.”
The conference discussed the results of the DC4JOBS strategic partnership project. Participants also got to know practical examples from Germany, Romania, Spain, Latvia, the Netherlands and Cyprus from the field of “digital skills for young people”. Conference also included Panel discussion and practical workshops.

The Multiplier Event was held on 10th July 2019 in Erfurt, Germany. It was attended by more than 60 participants (local and international).
Through this conference, we would like to disseminate the result of the DC4JOBS project as well as to showcase the match between the employability of adolescents and the digital abilities. The European Union has attempted to present these capabilities through “DigComp 2.1” (EU Framework Model on Digital Competences) in order to identify what skills will be needed in the future. It is important that young people acquire these skills required for the future and already have the opportunity to develop them.

Program of the Final Conference:
12:00 – 14:00 Arrival, lunch and networking
14:00 – 14:15 Welcome and opening of the conference from:
TheX President Mr. Dirk Wegler
CGE e.V Chairboard Dr. Ammalia Podlaszewska
14:15 – 14:30 DC4JOBS: Project presentation
14:30 – 16:00 Parallel Workshops
16:00 – 16:30 Coffee Break
16:30 – 17:15 Panel discussion on ”Digital Youth Work 3.0”
17:15 – 17.30 Q&A and final discussion
17:30 Official end of the conference

During the Conference, the panelists of the event are as follow:
1. Princilla Berger, TU Ilmenau. Presented and talked about ‘’Digital competence in schools in Thuringia’’.
2.Dorit Machell (EJB Weimar). Presented and talked about ‘’Digital facilitator for youth trainer and youth work’’.
3. Johannes Smettan (Arbeite und Leben Thüringen. Presented and talked about ‘’the future of work and what will it mean for your work’’ (presentation can be found in this online link:
4. Steffen Präger (Stadtrat Fraktion Mehrwertstadt Erfurt). Talked about the policy situation in Thüringen in regard with digitalisation in work as well as in education sphere.

The discussion concluded that it is conceivable, for example, digital skills that are acquired by participating in a training course and attest to the “digital skills” learned in the project, such as presenting in front of groups or holding speeches. In the meantime we see DC4JOBS as an important part of the work of CULTURE GOES EUROPE – Sociocultural Initiative Erfurt e.V., especially in the context of international and regional youth work in Thuringia.
Added to that, there were also workshop offers from Marco Hamel (Visual Selling), Andree Hochbach and Stephan Jauch (Makerspace Erfurt). Marco Hamel gave workshop about Visualisation as a boost for your ideas: Design and Pitch. At his workshop, Marco Hamel gave the participants a grounding in visual thinking. They learnt how to put ideas into a form: to present, organise and structure them. He taught the participants on how visual thinking can help people in finding solutions, develop concepts and to work collaboratively with others. Andree Hochbach gave a workshop called ‘’Education, Digitalisation and Generation gap’’ and discussed with the participants how digitalisation brings generation-based problems with it and what education (formal and non-formal) can do to solve the issue. Stephan Jauch gave participants a unique change to code a robot and to get closer in understanding how the future of automated jobs will look like. He used ‘’Calliope Mini’’ as a micro controller that operates as a teaching tool in the school.

There have been an effective dissemination strategy before the event, during and after the event also to distribute the information in regard to the project’s results. In regard with the interests of the participants, the ME addressed the current and relevant issue of digitalisation in the region, which became on of the fundamental strategic policy planning for the education. Local stakeholders who participated to the event are varied from:
1. Local NGOs representation
2. Business (marketing, finance)
3.Non formal education providers
4. Local politic representation
5. Pedagogics, trainers, educators,
After the ME in Erfurt, CGE was invited to present the result of the project during the “Engagement Stiftungstag” in 18.07.2019. We offered workshop for participants for the event. The Engagement and Foundation Day 2019 addresses the challenges of volunteering and civic engagement triggered by the digital transformation of our time.