We started to dream… From the 12.08. to 18.08.2019 30 young people from Estonia, Greece, Germany, Italy and Romania came together in Mühlhausen, Germany in AntoniQ to speak about their desired future.
After the arrival we started with some games to get to know each other better. Following this, we talked about topics like what are our perceptions of the future and Human Rights and in the end we created our own Human Rights charter. All of this happened by connecting it to pop-culture and analyzing various movies and their greater meanings.

Furthermore, the days were also filled with petting the local cat, great food, movie nights, spending time in a former church at our accommodation and playing card games. At the half way point of the event, we went to Erfurt to explore the city by solving various tasks, e.g. trying to exchange an apple for something else with locals.

The second half of the Youth Exchange was about rewriting scenes from popular movies, especially “The Avengers”, “The Matrix” and “Starship Troopers”. The participants highlighted something in the movie, made it more optimistic, feminist and diverse or changed the ending by changing the dynamics of key characters.

On the last evening we presented all the movie scenes by having an Oscar Night followed by the farewell party. To sum it up: We saw the future and it looks great!

To be continued in November in Thessaloniki, Greece…

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