On May 9th-10th, 2019 the Kick-Off Meeting of the D(at)YW project took place in “SozialSalon” in Erfurt, Germany.
The Kick-Off Meeting was attended by the key people from all partner organisations:
Plattform e.V.: Stephan Rothe & Georg Hoehne
Emphasys Centre: Helen Charalambides & Andrianna Georgiou
CGE Erfurt e.V.: Zafar Saydaliev, Grigoriy Grigoryev, Anastasiia Soholovska, Duarte Lacerda
Lancaster & Morecambe College: Mathew Hayes & John Latham,
Open Europe: Júlia Vilafranca, Marc Blasi
Dlearn: Francesca Pissarello
The session on Thursday, May 9th started with a round of presentations, each partner briefly talking about their organisations and activities. It started with Plattform e.V., presented by Georg; Lancaster and Morecambe College, by John; CGE, by Zafar; Dlearn, by Francesca; OpenEurope, by Marc and finally Emphasys, by Helen.

A short pause for a coffee break was in due, after which Helen explain the reasoning behind the application that lead to this project. From there, the discussion on the different levels of the project was open, leading to questions and clarifications on several issues.
The roadmap to implementation sparked several questions:
- what kind of skills should targeted (deep tech or digital presence);
- what’s high and deep, in the frame of this project;
- how should the teaching materials each partner considers vital to their target group should be split and shared;
- should the project escape from the “10 important jobs” premisse and move to deeper, IT-related, jobs (starting with people with already considerable digital skills);
- if that’s the case, how can the knowledge be transferred between the partners.
Georg made a brief presentation on Slack (https://dyw-workspace.slack.com) and Nextcloud to bring everybody up to speed with intra-team communication.
The partners have also discussed IO1/A1 + IO1/A2 – Questionnaires and Surveys, for which statistical analysis will be covered by the LMC and Emphasys.
After the lunch break, the first focus point was IO3. Issues arose regarding the usage of the moodle platform, more investigation will be put into this, especially looking for potential better alternatives.
IO3 also features the creation of an Open Badges system, whose technology was unknown for some of the participants. Duarte provided a brief overview of the potentialities of this technology and how to implement it in a youth work related project.

Next on, Georg presented IO4 briefly. The petition idea lead to some discussion on what to seek, how to present and when to implement. The objective would be to combine the digital and real realms, bringing some light to their increasing overlap.
Friday, May 10th started with the topic of dissemination of the project: Francesca made a brief presentation, based on the Dissemination Plan document, which will be uploaded to Nextcloud. It outlines a full dissemination strategy, with tasks, targets, events, etc, based on the application.
Dlearn also created a dissemination timeline (which will undergo some changes), that plans each partner’s tasks during the duration of the project.
Helen suggested the use of a document that collects the specific examples of dissemination initiatives/events each partner implements.
CGE is responsible for the logo and the visuals and will start the design process based on this discussion. Initial drafts will be shared as soon as available.
Another point of discussion was Reporting and quality management. Quality plan will be managed mostly by Plattform and CGE. Partners agree, that reporting phases need attention, they will be every 6 months. The plan will be shared on Slack.
To sum it up, the meeting had let to extensive progress in understanding the project goals and established trust among the consortium.