Visibility as a Life Principle. Part II.

If you wish to became professional in the field you work/study, you should be ready to respond to rapidly changing trends, to know how to communicate with colleagues, partners, promote your ideas successfully. In case your classic education can not give you tools to acquire those skills – pay attention to international mobilities for young professionals from Erasmus+, like Sofiia and Jannatul did.

Last month CGE’s project assistant, Sofiia Pyshnieva, and a student of the Willy Brand School of Public Policy, Jannatul Ferdous, have participated in the second part of the training course for youth leaders “Make Yourself Visible”. If the first part of the TC was focused on visual content creation (read more about it here), the final part of training provided the participants with the knowledge about the online-educational tools. The training course participants from Armenia, Poland, Germany, Ukraine, Portugal, Georgia, Belarus, Hungary, Macedonia, Russia, Greece and Czech Republic created the Online – Course, dedicated to visual online and offline technologies, which are useful in professional and daily life od modern person/organisation.

What interesting you can take from the training course, read in the review of Jannatul Ferdous:

[ap_testimonial image=”″ image_shape=”undefined” client=”Jannatul Ferdous” designation=”Willy Brand School student”]

“From the 2nd June to 10th June 2018 I have participated a very informative training course “Make Yourself Visible” which took place in Ivancice, Czech Republic.The project was organized by “Stredisko volneho casu Ivancice” (CZ) and “NGO Academy of Innovation” (RU). My aim upon participating in this training was to increase my digital competencies, learning new tools to creat social campaigning and promotion.
From the very beginning, we were introduced to the IT skills essential for young professionals and active youth activist in social media  field. The first two days were very intensive, filled with theoretical knowledge and discussions about different social media platforms. We came to know about social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Mindmaps, and Infographics etc. We made wonderful videos based on our assigned topics.The activities were lively and inspiration for everyone. I was amazed by the diversity in the group. This group work was created by our entire collective efforts.
Later trainers started to introduce different tools like posters, digitalization, art workshop, podcast etc. Then we started working on our assigned topic. My topic was making presentation in Prezi/Crello. We designed our course in our own way. We made three tutorials and Sofiia helped a lot to manage all the stuffs. Our group also did a great job on whiteboard scribing in Sparkol. It was really nice when we saw the entire accumulated outcome. I feel what we did was stunning.
We had a wonderful cultural night where varieties of foods and drinks were offered. We aslso explored the historic city of Brno. We enjoyed a grand dinner there in a restaurant.
In this training we learnt a lot of things but it was so interesting and enjoyable we hardly felt the days will be over so soon. I can’t express precisely, how exciting those days were. I wish I could experience all those moments again and again in my life and would highly encourage everyone to participate in this training to be part of an opportunity of lifetime.”



The blog article was written by Sofiia Pyshnieva.

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